Voice Reels
A fully edited drama and commercial voice-reel, recorded in a professional London studio with a technician, director and editor, including a consultation with the director. Reel provided in WAV and MP3 files. Reel will be between 3 and 5 minutes (which is PLENTY!).
You will need to source your own scripts for this reel, although our director can advise you during your consultation. We provide some stock commercial scripts which you can use, but we also advise bringing some of your own. PRICE: £299

This is our ‘no frills’ basic drama reel aimed at keeping costs low. Recorded at a Central London recording studio, professional director and technician and clean vocal files. Up to 5 monologues of your choice.
You will need to source your own scripts for this reel, although our director can advise you during your consultation. PRICE: £199

1. WTC have been producing award winning audio theatre since 2007 and have extensive knowledge of the voice.
2. We listen to hundreds of voice-reels every month and know exactly what employers want when they listen, and more importantly – what they don’t want!
3. We have a large, experienced team of editors, producers and directors working with us and we record in state of the art London studios, with top of the range microphones and highly experienced technicians. We create the voice-reels for RADA and LAMDA drama schools.
4. Our passion for and experience in radio drama and audio production puts us in a perfect position to understand your reel. Under the guidance of the Wireless Theatre Company team you will get the perfect voice reel for you with a 48 hour turnaround time.
5. At just £199 for our basic reel and £299 for a standard, we are the best value for money around.
We understand that as actors, you don’t always have a lot of money – which means that voice-reels are often third or fourth on the list of justified expenses after head shots, show-reels, training, printing costs etc.
With the growth of the internet there is so much more opportunity for voice work, however it is almost impossible to cast a voice actor without hearing an audio sample of what they can do. It doesn’t need to cost the earth, you just need to be properly represented.

We are the best at doing that. We have recorded over one hundred and fifty voice-reels – every single one recorded in a professional studio with one of our hugely experienced technicians, and we are the official voice-reel providers for LAMDA and RADA drama schools.
“The whole experience was great and I felt really supported at every step of the process. I was seriously wowed by the direction I received and I couldn’t be happier with the final product. I had the chance to record so much material that the result is a very varied and interesting reel. It’s a really impressive introduction to me as a voice actor”
“I am so pleased, thank you so much”
We also offer voice-reel packages for drama schools – for more information, please email: info@wirelesstheatre.co.uk
If you would like to choose some monologues which haven’t been ‘done to death’ why not check out WIRELESS MONOLOGUES? for less than £9.00!
CONTACT If you are interested in speaking to us about our voicereel service, or just have more questions – please contact: E: info@wirelesstheatre.co.uk