Country Life

Country Life Wireless Original Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Country Life
4/5 - (1 vote)

Country Life, an audio drama. In the serene garden of a Devonshire cottage, next door neighbours Kenneth and Barbara while away their twilight years amid cups of tea, bonfires and a nice slice of Madeira cake. Following the funeral of their friend Judith, things are disrupted by the arrival of fellow mourner Jim who opens up a hornets’ nest of secrets that leads to blackmail, robbery and possibly even murder.

Country Life Audio Drama

Starring: Chris Bearne, Marji Campi and David Forest

Written By: Peter Briffa

Edited By: Graham Donnelly

Directed By: Paul Blinkhorn

Music By: Simon James Cookson

More drama from Wireless Theatre

1 thought on “Country Life”

  1. I must say , initially , I found both Jim and Ken’s characters a bit cloying – especially Ken’s voice . I was thoroughly expecting to be ‘naused’ out after 20 mins or so ; BUT , I warmed to the subleties of the depth and humour of the writing ; and , got pleasantly drawn in . The second half gets funnier and better (and more outragious) non-stop towards the multiple little twists and turns before concluding brilliantly .
    In all , a very funny , relaxing listen .
    Absolutely recommended .
    I’m very much enjoying your choices ~ glad i “spannered” myself out of my Google account to be forced to look further afield than YouTube audio dramas ~ it’ll give my many favourite sites there time to upload new stuff .
    I’ll defo recommend you to some of my avid drama friends ~ IF… I ever crack getting back into my Google account~*
    PS : why..? the maths test featured below .


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