Dulce Et Decorum Est

Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Dulce Et Decorum Est
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Dulce Et Decorum Est. A touching glimpse into the experiences of the soldiers of the first world war. This series of letters from the front powerfully evokes the horrors and emotions of the men who fought and died on the battlefield, focusing on Wilfred Owen’s eternal question, is dying for your country an honour or a curse?


Dulce Et Decorum Est Pro Patria Mori

Featuring: Matt Kirby, Mostyn James, Dhugal Fulton, Joe Wells, James Everest, Fred Godward, Julian Boote, Collette Zacca, Justin Palmer

Dulce Et Decorum Est

Written By: Joe Wells,

Edited By : Paul Winston Churchill,

Directed By: Fran Kirkham

All schools should be teaching their pupils about WW1 it needs to be compulsory as part of History lessons and this show is an excellent example of what children should listen to and learn about the what their families ‘Their ancestor suffered’. My mothers father had shrapnel in his brain & never properly recovered from his war wounds & his two brothers Arthur & Samuel (18 year old twins) were blown to pieces at the Somme.
This is an excellent show of the horrors of WW1 upsetting to listen to but ‘necessary’. Thank you to all the actors & producers for the compassion shown.

Diane, April 14th 2020

More educational drama

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