Painted Blind. Few things are as invigorating as a gin and tonic with ice and a slice, don’t you agree? Mind you, I’ve never been to Lourdes or white water rafting. That Strongbow was a mistake though. A definite mistake.
These hot tears tumble from eyes who see all and yet see not, wings spread, I soar through the memory, our joining, our lot.
We requested alternative Valentine’s Day scripts and fell in love with this one by Adam Elms. Have a listen yourself.
Painted Blind
Starring: Mike Goodenough, Ashley McGuire and Ben Whitehead
Written By: Adam Elms
Directed By: David Beck
Engineered and Edited By: Joe Richardson
Incredibly good script,brilliantly performed! Thank you so much ♥️
Was directed here by a friend of Mike Goodenough, how fantastic is he and what a role for him too. Writing, performances, overall quality = incredible. Thank you 👏
Found this after watching Wallace and Gromit and googling Ben Whitehead! What a treat of a play. Such wonderful quality writing, performances, and production; much better than most dross on BBC R4!! More of this, please.
Great to revisit this great piece of radio 10 years after it first came out. Superb writing, performances and production. More please!!