Painted Blind

Painted Blind audio comedy Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Painted Blind
4/5 - (1 vote)

Painted Blind. Few things are as invigorating as a gin and tonic with ice and a slice, don’t you agree? Mind you, I’ve never been to Lourdes or white water rafting. That Strongbow was a mistake though. A definite mistake.

These hot tears tumble from eyes who see all and yet see not, wings spread, I soar through the memory, our joining, our lot.

We requested alternative Valentine’s Day scripts and fell in love with this one by Adam Elms. Have a listen yourself.

Painted Blind

Starring: Mike GoodenoughAshley McGuire and Ben Whitehead

Written By: Adam Elms

Directed By: David Beck

Engineered and Edited By: Joe Richardson

2 thoughts on “Painted Blind”

  1. Was directed here by a friend of Mike Goodenough, how fantastic is he and what a role for him too. Writing, performances, overall quality = incredible. Thank you 👏


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