Pig in Boots – Alternative Pantomime by Richard O’Brien

Pig in Boots Audio Pantomime Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Pig in Boots - Alternative Pantomime by Richard O'Brien
4.5/5 - (2 votes)
Richard O'Brien Rocky Horror Performs at the London Horror Festival with Wireless Theatre Pig In Boots
Richard O’Brien with Mariele Runacre Temple

An Alternative pantomime from Richard O’Brien, the creator of the Rocky Horror picture Show. Come and join Patsy and Tom-Tom in Panto-Opolis as they travel across the country, encountering an ever-growing mix of characters while they a plan to scam wealthy victims out of their riches with a pyramid scheme based on non-existent real estate. With original music performed and composed by James McQuillian, great performances from all the actors, and live sound effects from The Foley Brothers, we think this recording has perfectly captured the personality and atmosphere of the evening. In true pantomime style we have left in all the actors fluffs, so feel free to cheer and jeer along with the audience. Laugh? You’ll positively squeal!

Written By: Richard O’Brien

Pig In Boots Alternative Pantomime

Starring: Ceri Gifford, Kevin Haney, Peter Davis, Naomi Bowen, Reuben Anderson, Trevor Cuthbertson, Jade Allen, Gareth Davies, Nic Van Gelder, Faye Honeysett, James McQuillan, Neil Frost & David Beck

Edited By: Stuart Price, Scott Wiber and Randall Breneman, Directed By: Mariele Runacre Temple, Music By: James McQuillan

This is an easy to enjoy audience participation production in which the patrons are cued when and how to respond, which adds to the fun.


Pig In Boots – An alternative pantomime by Richard O’Brien

Technical Director – Stuart Price
Producer – Fran Kirkham
Sound Technicians – Scott Wiber & Randall Breneman
Stage Manager – Jack Bowman
Photos – Nick Hemingway. With thanks to Richard O’Brien for all his support.

Richard O’Brien’s quirky, non-formulaic audio pantomime PIG IN BOOTS was recorded in front of a live studio audience at Headliners Comedy Club

Pictures from the live performance are available in our gallery.

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