The Mighty Carlins

The Mighty Carlins - Wireless Originals audio drama
Wireless Theatre Comedy
The Mighty Carlins
5/5 - (1 vote)

On the anniversary of his wife’s death, Leo Carlin and his two sons come together for their traditional night of sharing the good and not so good memories of the dearly departed Mrs Carlin. Beers are drunk. Plans are hatched. Secrets are revealed. The Mighty Carlins is a black comedy that celebrates a family at its worst. Shane Rimmer stars.

Wireless Theatre Ltd wishes to thank Ruth James, Thomas Vilorio, Lydia Parker and the North American Actors Association, for making this production possible. 

The Mighty Carlins

offensive language

Starring: Shane Rimmer, Christopher Ragland and Christian Malcolm

Written By: Collin Doyle

Edited By: Paul Darling

Directed By: Paul Blinkhorn

Music By: Michael Seal

Contains strong language and mature themes.

“Doyle has been widely acclaimed for being able to pen insightful, moving and important commentary about the human psyche.”


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