Rum Runner Sue – A Diamond in the Roughing it

Rum Runner Sue Episode 3 A Diamond in the Roughing it
Rum Runner Sue Episode 3 A Diamond in the Roughing it
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Rum Runner Sue - A Diamond in the Roughing it

Rum Runner Sue – A Diamond in the Roughing it. A spoiled Minneapolis family lose a priceless diamond brooch while enjoying Sue’s hospitality.

Lance Manley: The Case of the Caustic Cataloguer

Lance Manley The Case of the Caustic Cataloguer
Lance Manley The Case of the Caustic Cataloguer
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Lance Manley: The Case of the Caustic Cataloguer

The Shamus of the Stacks is back, and this time he’s met his match in the form of an attractive new cataloguer with a terrible secret. Can Lance save her from her past? Or is it curtains for the dame that stole our gumshoe’s heart?

Lance Manley Library Detective

Lance Manley Library Detective
Lance Manley Library Detective
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Lance Manley Library Detective

Lance Manley Library Detective; not just your average gumshoe. With a million readers in the naked city, Lance is the man who has to keep them in line. In a tiny alcove, high above the stacks of the International Falls Public Library, a frosted glass door stands waiting for trouble. the word SECURITY is spelled out in black lettering on the glass, but you get the idea that security is the last thing you’ll find beyond the threshold. For on the other side of the glass, sitting behind a battered oak desk, is the cop of cataloguing, the dick of Dewey Decimals, Lance Manley, Library Detective.