Black Spartacus Episode 1

Black Spartacus Episode One
Black Spartacus Episode One
Guest Productions
Black Spartacus Episode 1

Black Spartacus from Thee Black Swan tells the story of Toussaint L’Ouverture, the most prominent leader of the Haitian Revolution. In episode one of four, not everything is as it is appears on the seemingly tranquil Breda Plantation in the French Caribbean colony of St. Domingue (Haiti).

Omega episode 4

Omega Episode 4 Wireless Originals
Omega Episode 4 Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Omega episode 4

Newly qualified Police Officer PC Gifty Zahra has at last fulfilled a lifelong ambition to join the force, now finds herself mixed up in corruption.

Omega episode 3

Omega Episode 3 Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Omega Episode 3 Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Omega episode 3

Newly qualified Police Officer PC Gifty Zahra has at last fulfilled a lifelong ambition to join the force, now finds herself mixed up in corruption.

Omega episode 2

Omega Episode 2 Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Omega Episode 2 Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Omega episode 2

Newly qualified Police Officer PC Gifty Zahra has at last fulfilled a lifelong ambition to join the force, now finds herself mixed up in corruption.

Omega episode 1

OMEGA police audio drama episode 1
OMEGA police audio drama episode 1
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Omega episode 1

Omega is an exciting and fast paced police drama based in Northern England, written by ex-police officer Elizabeth Parikh. Newly qualified Police Officer PC Gifty Zahra finds herself mixed up in corruption after making a gruesome discovery. Jessica Murrain and Rebekah Hinds star as PC Gifty Zahra and DS Angela Appleby.