Revolution, Murder and Traffic Wardens – 2

Revolution, Murder and Traffic Wardens Part Two
Guest Productions
Revolution, Murder and Traffic Wardens - 2
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Revolution, Murder and Traffic wardens Part 2. In part two, Mike knows the life of a revolutionary is complicated, and often involves going “off grid,” but this doesn’t usually involve enrolling in Traffic School or chatting your teacher up. Now the bodies are piling up and a mystery caller has begun leaving messages, but are they friend or foe? And can the gang cut it as they become what they once hated?

Written by Haydn Jones, with Kate Stone

Produced and Directed by Lynne Parker of Funny Women and Jack Bowman

Music and Sound Design by Richard Lightman


Daniel Carter-Hope, Bill Calvert, David Bibby, Anna Maria Nabirye, Simon Burbage and Jenny Bolt

Wardens played by the cast


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