Cross Party

Cross Party Political Comedy Audio Wireless Theatre
Cross Party Political Comedy Audio Wireless Theatre
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Cross Party

The debut radio play from Carolyn Harris and Parliamentary Member for Glasgow South Tom Harris.  It’s a hilarious comedy about the political machinations in and around the formation of the Coalition – focusing on Member of Parliament Geoff Henderson, whose domestic arrangements are thrown into severe disarray when his wife Louise decides to stand for parliament. Carolyn and Tom write about Parliamentary life with authenticity and honesty, this is a ‘must listen’ play for fans of political comedy!

Dead London

Dead London from Wireless Theatre
Dead London from Wireless Theatre
Wireless Theatre Horror and Thrillers
Dead London

Based on H.G. Wells’s classic tale of Martian invasion, DEAD LONDON sees humanity defeated by a superior military force from another world. Recorded on location at Horsell Common, Surrey, and featuring Brian Blessed as the Voice of the Martians, DEAD LONDON was the winning entry in the 2013 War of the Worlds 75th Anniversary Contest.