Lisa Parry


Lisa Parry Playwright

Lisa Parry is a playwright whose work has been staged by leading new writing theatre companies including: Dirty Protest, The Miniaturists, PopUp Theatrics (NYC) and The Sherman. Lisa’s work has been produced at: The Barbican, The Other Room, The Sherman, Wales Millennium Centre, Chapter Arts, Theatre 503, The Arcola, TACT Studio (Broadway NYC), The Arches, Bridewell Theatre London, Martin E Segal Theater (NYC). Lisa has developed work with The Traverse, The Sherman and The Young Vic. 

​Illumine Theatre

Lisa co-runs Illumine Theatre with director Zoë Waterman. Illumine’s first production – of Lisa’s play 2023 – opened to rave reviews in October, 2018. Lisa Parry was one of Theatr Clwyd’s writers in residence in 2020. 

​Interviews with Lisa Parry Playwright

​Lisa has spoken on various panels regarding feminism and theatre and also science and theatre, notably giving a talk for TEDx. Lisa has written for The Guardian on theatre and has also been a contributor discussing the Welsh arts scene for BBC Radio 4.

An interview with Lisa discussing the Theatre Uncut award can be found here.
An interview with Lisa on the theatre scene in Wales can be found here.
Lisa was a guest on Ciaran Fitzgerald’s podcast ‘In Lockdown With…’ at the end of 2020. It can be streamed via Apple Podcasts here and via Spotify here.  

Lisa Parry for Wireless Theatre

Lisa Parry’s short comedy plays from Brum to Manhattan, Hot Chocolate and Therapy and Throwing Oranges to the Ducks are available through Wireless Theatre as a collection called Chocolate Orange Biscuits.

Lisa’s work can be found at:

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