Kindred part one of two. Kindred is a very loose interpretation of Euripides’ Electra, set on the Irish border, and recorded on location in stark, vérité style in London, England. The play was shortlisted for the BBC International Radio Playwriting Competition.
Kindred Part One
Jaki McCarrick’s first play, The Mushroom Pickers, won the 2005 Scottish Drama Association’s National Playwriting Competition, and premiered at the Southwark Playhouse in London in May 2006 and in New York in February 2009
Featuring: Catherine Cusack, Jonathan Clarkson, Chris Magee, Genevieve Swallow, Peter Mahon and Richard Holt

Directed by Robert Valentine
Produced by Ceri Gifford
Executive Producer Mariele Runacre Temple
It was recorded entirely on location in London and edited by Malcolm Thorp
Contains strong language
Dear All
I really enjoy this drama and I am wondering where I can find the transcript of it as I am not native speaker.