Kindred – Part Two

Kindred part two audio drama wireless theatre
Kindred part two audio drama wireless theatre
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Kindred - Part Two

A very loose interpretation of Euripides’ Electra, set on the Irish border

Kindred – Part One

Kindred Part One Audio Drama
Kindred Part One Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Kindred - Part One

Kindred is a two part audio play written by award winning playwright Jaki McCarrick. A very loose interpretation of Euripides’ Electra, set on the Irish border. Recorded on location in stark, vérité style in London, England, the play was shortlisted for the BBC International Radio Playwriting Competition.

Burke and Hare Part Two

Burke and Hare Part Two Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Burke and Hare Part Two Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Burke and Hare Part Two

The story of the infamous 19th Century Scottish Grave-robbers who weren’t Scottish and didn’t rob graves.

Burke and Hare Part One

Burke and Hare part one Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Burke and Hare part one Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Burke and Hare Part One

Burke and Hare. This is the story of the infamous 19th Century Scottish Grave-robbers who weren’t Scottish and didn’t rob graves. They were actually Irish and as robbing graves to supply the needs of Edinburgh’s anatomists proved to be rather hard work, they just took to murdering people – usually their neighbours – for profit. In collaboration with their common-law wives they set about supplying corpses for Dr John Knox, an eminent Scottish surgeon, with considerable enthusiasm and gusto. The play follows their business exploits from small beginnings, through their days of peak output to the final reckoning – set against a world that is becoming recognisably modern. Black Comedy. Offensive Language.