
Rat - a short radio play recorded on location - Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
3.7/5 - (3 votes)

Rat is a short radio play written by and starring Ann Theato. A dying rat appears outside a block of flats and becomes the focus of one woman’s thoughts. A snapshot into family life, and our mixed feelings of empathy and fear towards vermin.

We knew we needed to take a step forward in our media provision to engage and make the very best of the cutting edge techniques we were becoming aware of.

We set ourselves an enormous task:

  • Recording an entire audio play on location
  • Making a documentary film of us doing so
  • Filming, editing and releasing it all in just 48hrs

Starring: Ann Theato, Jacoaa Theato, Ashley McGuire

Written By: Ann Theato, Edited By: Erica Basnicki, Music By: Polly Haynes

Running Time: 17 Minutes

3 thoughts on “Rat”

  1. Hi

    What a good little drama. I too am thinking about it’s usefulness with kids (9-10). Schools always seem to sanitise/censor material for young kids, but then we wonder why they can’t recognise and interpret complex themes later on. A contradiction. MMM. Anyway loved the drama and will pas it on to teachers of slightly older groups.


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