No Cause for Alarm

No Cause for Alarm
No Cause for Alarm
Wireless Theatre Comedy
No Cause for Alarm

No Cause For Alarm is a silly play. It has no comment to make about the human condition, love in the 21st century or Donald Trump. Starring : James Ash, Michael Good, Ceri Gifford, Jennifer McFarlane, Gareth Rubin, Tim Smith, Trevor Cuthbertson, Jack Bowman and Neil Frost.

Medusa on the Beach

Medusa on the beach
Medusa on the beach
Wireless Theatre Horror and Thrillers
Medusa on the Beach

A perfectly ordinary, past-its-best English seaside town. Except why has everyone there been turned to stone? Two seriously out-of-their-depth police officers uncover the strange tale of what happened when middle-aged and romantically disappointed hairdresser Marjorie Briggs found something in a polythene bag on the beach that didn’t belong there, something ancient and terrible – something with the power to seriously muck up the lives of Marjorie and all those she loves and hates, as surreal comedy shifts towards a very strange sort of Greek tragedy…. Written by Marty Ross

Laying Ghosts

Laying Ghosts Audio Drama from Wireless Theatre
Laying Ghosts Audio Drama from Wireless Theatre
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Laying Ghosts

When Connie’s beloved husband Jack dies after 27 years of marriage, Connie hopes that her only son Gary will console her. Gary, however, finds that level of commitment a bit, well, too much of a commitment. Connie is left with interfering neighbour Val until Gary’s girlfriend Sandra rings with some unexpected news. Touching audio drama dealing with bereavement and grief, set in Britain and Ghana.