The (Audio) Show must go on…

We don’t need to tell you that Covid 19 threw a mahoosive spanner in the works when it came to multi-cast audio recordings. We’d been happily planning for a summer of back-to-back in studio recordings, which all had to halt dramatically.

Sonica studio

However, we felt very strongly that we needed to learn to adapt… fast… and pooled all the knowledge we have from years and years of guerilla audio recordings and the show has very much gone on.We’ve been delighted to record several projects under lock-down – none of which we can let you know about yet, which were a mixture of complete remote recording and some socially safe in-studio sessions. They were hugely challenging, educational, exciting, stressful and rewarding.


We may not be able to fill you in fully on these yet, but can say that we have worked with some amazing new-to-Wireless people and leaned heavily on some of our utterly fabulous Wireless in-house team.We will update you soon with a much more detailed look at our lockdown learnings – but in the meantime… Kate Saxon, Tshari King, David Beck, Joe Richardson, Nicolette Chin, Paul Anthoney, Abi McLoughlin and Mat and Paul Clark – we salute you!!

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