Drayton Trench – Episode 6 [Audio Comedy]

Drayton Trench Episode Six
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Drayton Trench - Episode 6 [Audio Comedy]
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Drayton Trench, Episode 6. Our heroes have escaped the clutches of the Countess, but Nathaniel Swan has gone to Rome to complete his malevolent master plan – to raise the spirit of Julius
Caesar from the dead! Drayton is hot on his tracks – but can Nathaniel be stopped before it’s too late?

Drayton Trench

Alice Osmanski as Drayton
Susan Casanove as Marjorie
Peter Wicks as Jason
Stephen Critchlow as Sir Percy
Beth Eyre as Violet
and Simon Kane as Nathaniel
with additional voices by Esmé Patey – Ford
The script was written by David K. Barnes.

Recorded by: Gareth Brown
And edited by: Tshari King
With music from: Rosemary Yates
And directed by: Mariele Runacre-Temple

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