Open Spots

Open Spots
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Open Spots
Rate This Audio Drama

Open Spots – Audio comedy recorded live. Sean is a stand up comedian earning his stripes on the gruelling London stand up circuit. He’s getting ready for another soulless room-above-a-pub gig when he finds out that a top comedy agent is coming to see him. Will he do the perfect gig and get signed, or will fate work against him and ruin his big chance?

They say that stand up is the new Rock’n’Roll, but it’s not so cool getting to the top. A comedy about comedy. Open Spots was recorded live for a full house at The Pleasance Theatre on Feb 17th 2012.

Contains Offensive Language

Open Spots

Starring: Stephen Hill, Kevin Haney, Ben Whitehead, Neil Frost and Ashley McGuire

Written By: Stephen Hill and James Gill

Edited By: Tshari King and Matt Blair

Music By: Matt Blair

Directed by: David Beck

“An interesting and humorous piece and worth a listen” 

Remote Goat

“A company to watch out for in 2012″ 

Remote Goat

Contains Bad Language

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