The Ceremony

The Ceremony directed by Prunella Scales. Wireless Originals
The Ceremony directed by Prunella Scales. Wireless Originals
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
The Ceremony

The Ceremony. On a quiet coast lie the seagulls, a distressed ship and the home of a lonely lady and her gardener. Then the quiet is broken by the doorbell, the peace shattered by the past. Starring Jack Bowman, Jenny Runacre and Anthony Sargeant, directed by Prunella Scales.

Twenty Six Miles

twenty six miles from wireless theatre limited
twenty six miles from wireless theatre limited
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
Twenty Six Miles

Twenty Six Miles’ is a compelling and amusing drama about Dorando Pietri, the Italian marathon runner, who in the 1908 London Olympics, collapsed as he came into the stadium and was helped over the line. Though deprived of his medal, on appeal by the Americans, Queen Alexandra was so taken by his efforts that she had a special cup made for him.


Cormorant Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Cormorant Wireless Originals Audio Drama
Wireless Theatre Comedy

Unworldly John and injured sailor, McKinney wash up on an uninhabited island, the only survivors of a terrifying shipwreck. When the pair is finally rescued John isolates himself in an anonymous bed-sit owned by the grotesque Mrs Paskins. Haunted by the sounds of the island, he shies away from human contact communing only with the disturbing voices in his dreams. A strange, funny and touching story about finding friendship in the most unlikely places.

SHJ – S3E1 – The Secret of Springheel’d Jack – The Peril of the Empires

Springheel'd Jack Season 3 Episode 1 The Perils of the Empire
Springheel'd Jack Season 3 Episode 1 The Perils of the Empire
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
SHJ - S3E1 - The Secret of Springheel'd Jack - The Peril of the Empires

UK, 1877. Aldershot Barracks is attacked by a flame wreathed ‘Night Terror’