Joe Walsh and the Weight of Despair

Joe Walsh and the Weight of Despair Kane O' Brien
Joe Walsh and the Weight of Despair Kane O' Brien
Wireless Theatre Horror and Thrillers
Joe Walsh and the Weight of Despair

A radio drama in which a man is being investigated in relation to the death of a woman. Using 3D Binaural audio, the listener is placed inside the mans mind, hearing what he hears and feeling what

he feels as he drifts from reality, delusion, truth and lies. This drama contains disturbing themes and sound effects. Not suitable for young listeners.

Lance Manley: The Case of the White-Out Wacko

Lance Manley The Case of the White Out Wacko
Lance Manley The Case of the White Out Wacko
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Lance Manley: The Case of the White-Out Wacko

Lance must solve the case of book defacement or lose his job! Recorded live, over the air during ‘Bundled Up LIVE’ broadcast event on Feb 26th, 2021. Lance Manley Library Detective; not just your average gumshoe. With a million readers in the Naked City, Lance is the man who has to keep them in line.

Lance Manley: The Molted Falcon

Lance Manley Molted Falcon
Lance Manley Molted Falcon
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Lance Manley: The Molted Falcon

Lance Manley is back, and his latest title search has turned up DANGER! When an old foe offers Lance a chance to cash in on a legendary book, he takes the bate. But will Lance survive to tell the tale? Starring Caleb Silvers and Justin Kapla.

Lance Manley Library Detective

Lance Manley Library Detective
Lance Manley Library Detective
Wireless Theatre Comedy
Lance Manley Library Detective

Lance Manley Library Detective; not just your average gumshoe. With a million readers in the naked city, Lance is the man who has to keep them in line. In a tiny alcove, high above the stacks of the International Falls Public Library, a frosted glass door stands waiting for trouble. the word SECURITY is spelled out in black lettering on the glass, but you get the idea that security is the last thing you’ll find beyond the threshold. For on the other side of the glass, sitting behind a battered oak desk, is the cop of cataloguing, the dick of Dewey Decimals, Lance Manley, Library Detective.

Skin III The Final Incision

Skin 3 The Final Incision Audio Thriller
Skin 3 The Final Incision Audio Thriller
Wireless Theatre Horror and Thrillers
Skin III The Final Incision

Skin III The Final Incision; audio thriller starring Samantha Boffin, nominated for best actress in a Radio Drama at the 2020 One Voice Conference. It’s been nine years since vegan serial killer Vivian Shorewood skinned the first of her twenty-eight victims. She receives a call from Oakleaf Nursing Home, in Wollaton, Nottingham, where her mother, 84-year-old Hilary, has taken a turn for the worse. Hilary’s Care Worker intimates to Vivian that maybe she should pay her mother a visit, sooner rather than later. What Vivian doesn’t know is that Hilary has both something to tell her daughter, something she has kept a secret her entire life, and to ask of her one last request.

Skin II The Session

Wireless Theatre Horror and Thrillers
Skin II The Session

Starring Samantha Boffin, nominated for Best Actress in a Radio Drama at the 2020 One Voice Conference. It’s been four years since vegan serial killer Vivian Shorewood skinned the first of her sixteen victims in what she deemed a ‘boutique-culling’ of London’s more undesirable inhabitants. Frustrated that her five previous psychiatrists haven’t truly been able to embrace or understand, and in some cases even believe her actions, she decided to make an appointment to see Dr. Martin Boyden (Mich Howell), a respected expert in his field. ‘Skin II The Session’ is their first meeting, which happened last Thursday at 11.45 am.

1101 Wellington Way

1101 Wellington Way audio drama by Viv Lermond
1101 Wellington Way audio drama by Viv Lermond
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
1101 Wellington Way

1101 Wellington Way. New audio drama from Vivian Lermond. A nosey neighbour and a watermain burst brings an unpleasant revelation for the new tenant at Wellington Way in this new play by Vivian Lermond. Performed by Glen Dickson, Karen Fraser and Titch McClean


Cake audio drama starring Maggie Turner
Cake audio drama starring Maggie Turner
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama

Cake, an audio drama starring Maggie Turner. 73-year-old retired Betty was absolutely overjoyed when she recently became employed as a taste-tester at The Marigold Meadow Organic and Gluten Free Bakery, after answering an advertisement in the Hillingdon Recorder. However, a couple of weeks ago she was given some news that will change everything…


Skin audio thriller
Skin audio thriller
Wireless Theatre Horror and Thrillers

Nominated for best Actress in a Radio Drama at the 2020 One Voice Conference. A few months ago, London-based Vivian Shorewood decided to take a stand, albeit a small one, against world injustice, and began her attempt to redress the balance. She selected one particularly offensive and repugnant individual, and after following a carefully executed plan she lured him into her trap, immobilised him, and brought him back to her cellar where she proceeded to… skin him. ‘Skin’ follows the first night of her fight.

The Benjamin Peel Collection

The Benjamin Peel Collection
The Benjamin Peel Collection
Wireless Theatre Ltd Audio Drama
The Benjamin Peel Collection

Three audio dramas that are in turns funny, dark and gently satirical. Includes The Packsaddle Librarian, set in depression-era America, The Interrogator, a psychological battle of wits, and Retired Upstage, set in a home for retired actors.