Inspired by classics

Audio Drama Adapted from Classics


Some characters and stories are quickly forgotten while others endure for generations. Our collection of classic audio dramas are adapted only from plays and stories that have passed the test of time. Some play it straight, others, like ‘a Tale Told by an Idiot’ take a freshly comic look at familiar stories. All of them feature fantastic acting and awesome sound quality. Enjoy!

Wireless Theatre Classics on Audible

Wireless have recorded many classical adaptations as Audible Originals, including Chekov, Ibsen, Treasure Island, Black Beauty, The Jungle Book and many more.

The Jane Austen Collection

We were delighted to produce Pride and Prejudice for the new Audible Original The Jane Austen Collection. Pride and Prejudice was directed by Nicolette Chin.
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The Jane Austen Collection from Audible Original

Little Women

Performed by a full cast led by the incredible Laura Dern, Louisa May Alcott’s tale of the four March sisters is as moving as ever. directed by Robert Valentine.

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Little Women starring Laura Dern directed by Robert Valentine

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